Camera Policy

There is a NO CAMERA Policy at our event. 

This means that no spectators will be allowed to bring cameras into the event for the purposes of photography or videography. 

No competitors or coaches will be allowed cameras backstage.

Only the official media teams will be allowed to photograph or take video of the event.

Spectators (if allowed due to covid 19 restrictions) will be allowed to take photos with their cell phones but are expected to do so while respecting other spectators behind them.  

If you are a member of an accredited media team (fitness magazine or website - not blogs or vlogs) and wish to obtain a media pass for the show, please send an email to 

Please include the show(s) you are interested in to apply for credentials. 

Anyone attending a show without prior approval (A MEDIA PASS) will be denied access.

Any other questions regarding this policy, please email  us at

The JMC Team